Annual Meeting Day report – November 13th at Victoria Golf Club.
The day began with players competing for the Doug Bachli Trophy, named in honour of the founding president and life member of the Society and champion amateur golfer.
30 players teed off in delightful afternoon weather, although increasing winds and firm, sanded greens challenged the field. The Trophy (and men’s winner) went to Justin Ryan with 36 points. Men’s runner-up was Andrew Clifford. Women’s winner was Wendy Pullar, with Jenny Picking runner-up.
The AGM was attended by 31 members and saw some changes in the committee personnel. Morag North retired after serving the maximum of 6 years on committee, and President Kim Hastie and all members thanked Morag for all her untiring work. Ian Rowell also retired from committee after a number of years sharing his history skills. Grant Nicholson was elected to join the committee, and his expertise with the collection’s software Mosaic will be greatly appreciated.
The meeting also elected past president Graeme Ryan as a Life Member of the Society. Kim Hastie outlined Graeme’s achievements since joining the society in 2009, in particular his work with Golf Australia which has led to GA annually funding the collections curation work; forming strong relationships with golf history groups in other Australian states and internationally; and introducing a Young Member category to try to ensure the society’s longevity. He was elected unanimously as a life member, and Graeme thanked all for the significant honour. “I shall wear it with pride”
Following the meeting members enjoyed the traditional end of year Cocktail Party.